Presidents Circle
The Presidents Circle recognizes the visionary individuals whose personal dedication and philanthropic investments enable the Pride Bands Alliance to fulfill our mission of pride and visibility through music.
Launched in 2015 by past Pride Bands Presidents Doug Litwin, Russell Ben Williams, Judy Ames, Robb Blackwell, Adam DeRosa and Betsy Smith, the Presidents Circle recognizes annual contributions of $500 or more to support Pride Bands special events.
We are thankful for the donors who have joined Presidents Circle these past nine years. They have contributed more than $133,000 to help Pride Bands participate in special events like Stonewall 50-WorldPride 2019 and to assist in funding commissioned pieces. Individuals who have donated to the fund for in 2024 are listed to the right.
Recognition Criteria
The Presidents Circle recognizes donors whose leadership gifts equal or exceed $500 within a conference year. Gifts of cash between each Pride Bands Alliance conference will be recognized by membership in the Presidents Circle.
Founders Circle recognizes donors who have made gifts of $5,000 or more to Pride Bands Alliance.
Donor Benefits
- A “Presidents Circle” sticker on the name tag of all current members at the annual Pride Bands Conference.
- An annual Honor Roll listing current Presidents Circle members on the Pride Bands website and in the concert program at the annual conference.
- Recognition of the Presidents Circle members at the conference concert by the current Pride Bands President.
- Priority registration for Pride Bands Alliance Special Events.
- A Special Presidents Circle Reception during the Pride Bands Alliance Conference.
Payments may be made as a one-time payment or as a pledge to donate over 10 years. Please email treasurer@pridebands.org to set up a donation schedule that best suits your needs.
Pride Bands Alliance is incorporated as a non-profit corporation in Washington, D.C. and 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Status by the IRS (EIN 52-1394807). All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
2024 Donor Circles
Presidents Circle
Aaron Rambo & William Leschorn
Adam DeRosa & John Garcia
Alfredo Gomez Jr.
Clifton Norris & Dr. Christopher Palazzolo
Dan Bassett & Francis Lyn
Dencil White
Doug Litwin
Gary Carroll
Gary Moline
Harvey Zuckman & Phil Oxman
Jason B. LeBrun & Jason A. Dixon
Jessie Davis
Juan C. Canasi & Joe Kennedy
Judy Ames & Laura Whitbeck
Lisa Mace & Nancy Wintle
Mary Beth Alsdorf & Jan Wesson
Melissa Terrell
Michael Mehr
Moira Wilmes & Denni Harp
Nanette King & Susan Gurney
Nicole Fallin & Mandi MacDonald
Patrice Mustaafaa
Randy Sampson & David Cooperman
Robb Blackwell
Sean Casey
Founders Circle
Alison Jordan & Fran Long
Betsy Smith & Cindy Braunheim
Blake Velde & Brian Fisher
David Doan
Deborah Hirsch & Teresa Clemens
Julian Lander
Kevin Taylor & Michael Moore
Laura Whitbeck & Judy Ames
Zef Hernandez-Hersh & Aric Hersh