South Florida Pride Bands is excited to invite you to join us in Fort Lauderdale for Something Wicked, the Pride Bands Alliance 2025 Annual Conference. Scheduled for October 22-27, 2025, Something Wicked will be the eighth conference hosted by SFPB.
The conference will feature a performance with two concert bands with 150 wind musicians each (300 total plus percussion) — led by long-time Artistic Director, Dan Bassett, and Assistant Artistic Director, Sara Cowley. Additional guest conductors and section leaders will be selected from within Pride Bands Alliance. Two commission pieces will debut that weekend, by composers Michele Fernández and Kelijah Duntonis. The concert will be livestreamed for those who can’t join us in Florida.

Code of Conduct
Pride Bands Alliance promotes music, visibility, and pride through our mission statement and aspires to live by our values. This means turning our values into behaviors that positively impact how we treat each other, how we interact with others, and how we view our community.
Historically, language has left many out. Individuals and groups have been marginalized and discriminated against because of who they are. Therefore, Pride Bands is dedicated to creating an inclusive environment for everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, creed, color, sex, national origin, age, disability (physical or mental), mental illness, sexual orientation, gender identity, parental status, marital status, veteran status, political affiliation or belief, gender expression, serostatus, socioeconomic status or background, ancestry, citizenship status, physical appearance, or more, including other protected classification applicable by federal and local laws. We’re united by Pride Bands values, and we celebrate our unique differences.
Through the work of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, the Pride Bands Alliance Board of Directors has created this Code of Conduct to aspire for Pride Bands to be an inclusive organization by creating an environment where everyone feels welcomed and included. This Code of Conduct serves as an official commitment to our member bands and community about the behaviors we expect at Pride Bands Alliance.
All Pride Bands Alliance Board members, member bands, bands-in-formation, affiliate members, delegates, and individual members (the “Member” or “Members”) are expected to follow this Code of Conduct. The term “member bands” includes all current and active bands or partner organizations. The Code of Conduct applies to all situations in which Pride Bands Members interact in person, virtually, or electronically.
The scope of this Code of Conduct to all Pride Bands affiliated interactions, communications, and events. This Code of Conduct is also inclusive of the previously approved Event Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy on July 19th, 2020.
In keeping with the Pride Bands Alliance mission and core values of promoting music, visibility and pride for all, we are committed to continue providing performance opportunities for band members with limited financial resources to participate in the Pride Bands Annual Conference.
All Pride Bands Alliance Band Members or Pride Bands Alliance Affiliate Members who have demonstrated a commitment to Pride Bands and their respective bands are eligible to apply for this scholarship. The total amount of scholarship awarded to each recipient, as well as the total number of scholarships awarded each year, is dependent on contributions to the scholarship fund for that given year. While all band members are welcomed to apply for this scholarship, we encourage only those who are truly in need of financial assistance to apply.
If you are NOT in need of financial assistance but would like to contribute to the scholarship fund, please consider helping your fellow bandmates at the donation link below. Indicate in the comments section that the donation is for conference scholarships.
If you have any questions, please contact the Scholarship Committee at