Atlanta Freedom Bands

1579-F Monroe Dr, Box 173
Atlanta GA 30324, US
OUR MISSION is to increase LGBTQ acceptance through our visibility as performing artists in Atlanta and surrounding communities.
OUR CORE VALUES are commitment, respect, visibility, and creativity.
OUR BAND was the inspiration of Buz Carr, our founder and first director, as he watched the 1993 Atlanta Gay and Lesbian Pride celebration. Realizing that there was no marching band he thought “Every parade should have a band!” He then set out to create a group to represent Atlanta’s increasingly visible LGBTQ community.
The Atlanta Freedom Marching Band has evolved into the Atlanta Freedom Bands which includes the Concert Band, the MetroGnomes Stage Band, and the Color Guard.
Our membership is comprised of individuals representing a diverse range of backgrounds, ages, experience and skill levels. Our mission is based on the principles of commitment, volunteerism, respect for others, and of course, fun! We remain committed to Buz Carr’s dream of promoting greater awareness of Atlanta’s LGBTQ community.